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MMD Render Tips

If your hard disk cannot handle large file size, then you can render with ffdshow codec (by installing K-Lite Codec Pack). BUT it’s maybe a bug because the contrast of the output video is wrong, which makes your video become a bit darker (and color white become gray). To fix this, I use ffmpeg with this command:
ffmpeg.exe -i input.avi -vf eq=contrast=1.16:brightness=0.025 output.mp4
Update: The above command could reduce the quality of the video. So I’m using this command with the curves file exported from photoshop:
ffmpeg.exe -i input.avi -vf curves=psfile=file.acv output.mp4
Link to the curves file (place it in the same location as ffmpeg): file.acv

To prevent quality loss, and with recommended settings for YouTube, use this (“-b:v 15M -r 60 -g 30” is 1080p60fps. For 4K60fps, change 15M to 67M):
ffmpeg.exe -i input.avi -c:v libx264 -b:a 384k -ac 2 -preset slow -crf 18 -profile:v high -bf 2 -pix_fmt yuv420p -movflags +faststart -threads 4 -cpu-used 0 -b:v 15M -r 60 -g 30 -coder 1 -vf curves=psfile=file.acv,scale=out_color_matrix=bt709 -color_primaries bt709 -color_trc bt709 -colorspace bt709 output.mp4
If you want to use GPU for faster encoding, replace “libx264” with “h264_nvenc” (for NVIDIA) or “h264_amf” (for AMD).

FFmpeg also helps your video have less file size.

More information about recommended YouTube settings: